Be Inspired by Cupcakes
Cupcake Ideas for Miniature Works of Edible Art!
Decorating cupcakes is all about personal taste, imagination and the occasion. There are endless possibilities for you to choose from. Whether to use buttercream or sugarpaste, stencils or moulds and so on. Hopefully Lindy's examples will help inspire you and perhaps make you a little bit more adventurous with your next cupcakes.
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Inspired ...but need a little help?
FIND: Decorating instructions in Lindy's books and cupcake recipes on our blog.
Lindy's Books
Cupcake ideas plus instructions to bake and decorate cupcakes are featured in many of Lindy's books, however if you require a definitive guide to cupcake baking and decorating we would recommend these two titles:
"Aside from the super sponge cupcake recipes, this small, beautifully bound and fun book is full of clear colourful photographs and novel ideas and designs for fantastic cupcakes. It scales down some of the best of the current trend top cake decorating methods (stencilling, embossing, sugarpaste modelling) for use on gorgeous celebration cupcakes. Easy to follow, a joy to read, a delight to bake from!" Cupcake Celebration review.
Cupcake Recipes
Are you looking for tasty cupcake recipes? Lindy's books contain many tried and tested recipes, but you'll also find delicious recipes in the baking category on our blog. How about chocolate and raspberry or sticky ginger? Tempted!