Meet Lindy Smith
You've seen Lindy've read her books...
Now treat yourself to meeting Lindy in person
Lindy loves meeting her fans and followers. She never tires of hearing their cake decorating stories and how she’s inspired them.

"Lindy, I just wanted to say it was an honour to meet you in person today I have watched your online Craftsy course a hundred times you are a very talented and inspiring lady. Thank you"
Lesley Starkey - Cake International, Alexandra Palace
There are always opportunities for Lindy’s supporters to meet her in person. She is often out and about at shows and events, such as UK and international cake decorating exhibitions, food and craft shows, festivals of many varieties plus workshops and demonstrations held by organisations such as the British Sugarcraft Guild. Lindy also attends WI meetings and lunch or networking engagements to speak.

Meet Lindy:
Ask for your books to be signed, take a photo, watch Lindy in action up on the stage or in the theatre. Take a short mini class to learn valuable techniques first hand, ask any questions that you've been desperate to know the answers to and of course share all your fascinating cake and sugarcraft stories.

Book signing

Photo opportunities

Watch a real live demo

Take a mini class

Ask a question

Share your story
Keep an eye on this page to find out Lindy’s plans and bookings.
Cake Masters Magazine Awards
Once again Lindy joins fellow industry icons, to judge talent in the sugarcrafting and cake decorating arena. Meet Lindy at this prestigious awards ceremony: The Hilton, NEC, Birmingham, 4th November 2017
Cake & Bake, Manchester
Meet Lindy on two days of the show:
Saturday 11th & Sunday 12th November 2017
KUCHENLIEBE, Bremen, Germany
Take a class with Lindy, see her demonstrate gelatin baubles or just pop by to say 'hi'. Lindy will be at the show for two days: Saturday 18th - and Sunday 19th November 2017
Cake Show, Event, Exhibition, Fair, Competition...
Are you an event organiser? Have you got an event coming up? Why not book Lindy to make a guest appearance: To demonstrate, to teach, to speak or be a panel member and judge for your cake decorating competition.
"Lindy is a talented business woman and inspiration to all those who meet her!...She always greets you with a lovely smile and has an air of spring about her, like there is always something good in the air or about to be" - Elizabeth Wilkinson