International Classes
Experience World Class Teaching
Invite Lindy to teach in your corner of the globe!
Lindy has a huge international following and likes to take up as many opportunities to teach around the world as possible. With a passion for learning herself, Lindy thoroughly enjoys meeting, teaching and inspiring students from different cultures.

Learn New Techniques
Lindy is constantly experimenting so always has something new to offer.
If you would like to invite Lindy to your country and are willing to host classes, please contact us using the form below. We will in turn send you Lindy's terms and a list of class topics suggestions.

International Teaching Highlights:
Over the years Lindy has taught many different countries and locations. From sugarcraft and decorating organisations, such as ICES in the States and the Australian National Cake Decorators Association, to sugarcraft shops and schools with their own teaching facilities, to independent groups of fellow cake decorating enthusiasts. Here are a few highlights:
Rio de Janeiro & São Paulo, Brazil
Lindy loved teaching the highly talented sugarcrafters in Brazil and has been back for a second visit.
Toronto, Canada
International guest teacher at the opening of Bonnie Gordon's college of Confectionery Art in April 2008.
Rome, Italy
Lindy Fell in love with Rome and has been back to teach and inspire three times.
Sydney, Queensland & Melbourne, Australia
A five week teaching trip down under, a fabulous experience.
Oslo, Norway
A highly successful teaching trip inspiring like-minded individuals.
Langenfeld, Germany
Classes at Torten Boutique to co-inside with the launch of Lindy's 'Colour' book in German.
Contact Us for more Information