Not long to wait now! I know some of you are very eager to see the DVD’s so I’ll give you a realease date as soon as I can. A few of you have told us that you were a little disappointed to read in the Lindy’s Cakes May Newsletter yesterday that my DVDs will not be ready until June. However this is only a 2 week delay and I assure you it will be worthwhile, as it will enable the editing team to breathe a little! As many of you know I’m a perfectionist so I want everything as it should be and a stressed team that is going hell for leather to meet an unrealistic deadline is not going to deliver the goods!
It will be worth the wait…..I saw the rough cut of my interview section last night, initially I always hate watching myself but as the interview progressed it was fine – I give you all sorts of pointers and tips on all things cake, so I hope you’re going to like it. The questions are all ones submitted by you via our website questionnaires so if you did submit a question thank you, you have made this section possible.
I’ve also received the rough cut of the wonky cake trouble shooting, I’m planning to watch it at some point this weekend – my guess is that this could be the most watched section of the wonky DVD, so it’s very important!
I’ll keep you posted on progress
Elizabeth Solaru says
Although I am a little disappointed with the release date being delayed, I am sure the Wonky cake DVD will be worth the wait Lindy! I received some of your fabulous cutters today and can’t wait to play with my new toys.
Lindy Smith says
Hi Elizabeth
Thank you for your comments, the delay is only small and it means you can enjoy the anticipation for longer!!! In the meantime why not contemplate these quotes I’ve just found on anticipation:-
“No mind is much employed upon the present: recollection and anticipation fill up almost all our moments”. Samuel Johnson (1709 – 1784)
“We . . . anticipate what’s to come, then ignore what’s actually here”. – source: Timeshifting (1996)
“…passionate anticipation transforms what is indeed possible into dreamt-for reality” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 – 1832)
Hilary Jordan says
Hi Lindy,
Counting down the days to DVDs and I am on holidays in the middle of June so loads of time to watch and absorb. Do you mind if I ask you a quick questions about glitter. I have noted of late that decorating glitters classification has been changed from edible to non-toxic decorating glitter, does this mean that it now not strictly edible or what? I am a big fan of this stuff and put it on my cakes in spades. Help I can’t do without my glitter fix.
Lindy Smith says
Hi Hilary
I’ve spent all this weekend watching the DVDs in sections, I’m not particularly keen on watching myself but I’m getting more used to it – I think you’ll enjoy your holiday!
Regards the question of glitter, I think the problem stems from the fact that glitter is not a food product, as it contains no nutrition, so cannot be classified as edible. However it is non toxic and from what I understand passes straight through the body.