Had an exciting week as my first Craftsy class has gone live. For those of you who’ve not heard of Craftsy, they are an online teaching platform for all types of craft including crochet, knitting, photography, fine art, embroidery, cooking to name a few AND, of course, cake decorating. I was approached last year to film a couple of classes and this is the first! I hope you will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed planning, creating and filming it.
The class was filmed over two and a half days which has resulted in over 2 1/2 hours of video content – I’ve not even watched it all myself yet! To make the class more user friendly it is split into 10 lessons as follows:
- Inspiration and Art Deco
- Designing shape and size
- Designing with Colour
- Designing a cake board and separator
- The pastillage topper
- Carving the cake
- Covering the cake
- Decorating the base tier
- Decorating the middle tier
- Top tier and finishing touches
One real bonus with a Craftsy class is that, unlike a dvd, you can ask questions at any point and I or your fellow class mates answer and start up discussions, so it’s all very interactive, much as a live class would be.
Craftsy say: “We believe in providing the best education. We believe in handmade. We believe in you.”
I’m certainly loving everything Craftsy right now, they have been a fabulous team to work with and the results, so far, I’m trilled with – although I would have liked a few “ums” to have been edited out! The Craftsy approach however, is that they want everything to be very natural….it is and I love it.
A few comments from some of my enrolled students:
“Welcome My Favourite Instructor Lindy. So very glad you are here, I’ve been your customer for over 5 years, have almost all of your books, ALL your DVD’s and soon your new book. How lovely it is to see you here on CRAFTSY yea!!!”
“I absolutely love this tutorial…One of the best ones on Craftsy!!! And the cake and techniques were just amazing!! Thanks Lindy”
“I bought it on the first morning it was available! And think it’s excellent – the best on the Craftsy list. Can’t wait to have an excuse to make it, or something using the techniques, or maybe just play!” Anne Baron
“I have bought it and can’t wait to try it out….Best on Craftsy I’ve seen so far… you are amazing Lindy x 🙂 “ Bettina Baker
Hope to see you on my Craftsy class soon!
Happy cake decorating