It’s official…Cupcake Mania is well under way … at Lindy’s Cakes at least… for today we held our second Cupcake class! With Lindy’s much anticpated Cupcake book due out in September we know our cake fans are itching to get stuck into making sugarcraft Cupcakes. If you are able to attend one of Lindy’s workshops then you will be lucky enough to get a taster of what Cupcakes, Lindy style, are all about! On this course Lindy started with the basics. Although most of the priciples of sugarcraft do apply here, and you may have done sugarcraft cakes before, you do need to tweek your knowledge slightly to apply to these dainty little cakes. So, a little refresher on handling sugarpaste, equipment and cake preparation got things underway. Lindy then focused on cupcake recipes and how to bake them – tried and tested by Lindy herself. She then moved on to the cupcake cases for they come in such a glorious selection of shapes and sizes and styles these days, it can seem overwhelming. They can also make a huge difference as to how your cupcake bakes, looks and holds it shape.
Right, thats the important stuff out of the way now the fun really begins….decorating your cupackes. Today we experimented with stencils, cutters, embossers and piping buttercream. Of course with Lindy these adorning techniques are much more glamourous and stunning to look at than they sound. Take buttercream for example, Lindy showed you how to create a two coloured buttercream… ah the joys of being taught by an expert and an artist! Stencils are phenominally popular every time Lindy uses them, they are just so easy to use and produce the most stunning look. And for another designer look Lindy showed you how to create fashion forward shoes and dresses using cutters and embossers. Intricate, interesting and elaborately beautiful!

A full class, with a waiting list, tells us that Cupcakes are certainly having their moment of fame! We had a great time today, lots of fun, many giggles and great conversation! The wonderful thing about this course is that you get to decorate lots and lots of cupcakes, so you can really experiment with sugarcraft techniques. The students worked very hard and I am sure you will agree that what they achieved in just one day is amazing.

And how about this for an idea: Give the gift of a workshop! That’s exactly what todays student Nykki did for her friend Lisa. And the best thing was that Lisa didn’t know what she was in for until the day of the course! Two friends…great present…super day out …learn a new skill and go home with a box full of gorgeous designer Cupcakes! In the cake world it doesn’t get much better than that!

Our next Cupcake course is Summer Floral Cupcakes. Click here for more information or to book your place!
Sarah says
Thank you so much for an amazing day. Can I just ask what the best way of storing fondant covered cupcakes is as the fondant on mine went very sticky pretty quickly. Thank you
Lindys Team says
We recommend storing cupcakes in cardboard.
Have a look at the cupcake boxes which are now available to order from our website.
Julia Gell says
I am about to do a Christmas cake demo and want to serve cup cakes for refreshments. A friend who runs a cup cake company (Carols Cakes) suggested I look up your web site for ideas. I could do with a few ideas like how to make the edible petal flowers too but I love the ideas here. I tried to buy a book on cup cakes but could’t find one! Thanks for the inspiration.I also run a B&B and I’m going to run a summer cafe, so I could do with a course near Shropshire!
Jane says
Hello Julia,
It’s probably too late for your demo, but you could try the Impression Moulds. They are a little expensive but you can make lots of flowers in a very short time.