This is the workshop where food meets fashion…couture meets cakes…sugarpaste meets style! This is our second handbag workshop and judging by the feedback and interest this course has evoked it will remain on our programe for some time! Lindy loves fashion and is very interested in design. Every day she arrives at the office with either a design idea, an object that has inspired her or a photograph of something that she wants to turn into a cake! She also loves handbags. Handbags and cakes… to Lindy Smith it’s an obvious alliance!

This is a fantastic ‘cake carving’ course. Lindy will start by talking you through the baking of the perfect cake for carving and how to achive this. As you know Lindy is as passionate about whats under the sugarpaste as whats on top! You will then commence the carving and shaping of your handbag. Lindy guides you through each phase carefully, step by step, to help you achieve a good handbag shape. The cake is then covered in stages with sugarpaste and finally you will move on to attaching the handles, the clasp, trimming the seams, creating faux stitching and decorating your handbag as you wish…

There is a lot to do in one day on a ‘carving’ course. Some handbags will need to be finished at home but today the students achieved a lot and as you can see they did a fantastic job! Workshops are such a fun day out. Not only do you get to learn, or enhance, a new skill but you will work alongside other people that are as passionate about their craft as you are. Support and encouragement are important to Lindy and her team. It is lovely to see friendships formed in our workshops. Friendships like that of Julie and Sabrina. These two fun and fabulous ‘sugarcrafters’ met at one of our earlier workshops and have become firm ‘Cake’ friends! It’s a joy to see.

Ponder this…
What’s the next best thing to being an expert sugarcrafter like Lindy Smith?… being the daughter of Lindy Smith!! Yes the lovely Charlotte Smith, Lindy’s daughter, was 18 last week so Lindy created the ‘demonstration’ handbag on this course especially for Charlottes celebration. It was stunning!

Lindy and the team throughly enjoyed this workshop today. It was a lot of fun and the results were fantastic. If you would like to know more about our courses and in particular our ‘cake carving’ courses click here.
Geraldine Whelan says
Wow…..well done ladies, they all look super, and I bet you all had a wonderful day, Lindy’s workshops are great…Rachel is there any news on Lindy doing the Handbag workshop in Dublin?????
Julie Marney says
Happy 18th to Charlotte! Looks like the cake was a success!! I’ve made the cherry mud cupcakes after seeing Charlotte’s Choccie handbag cake – yum yum!! They were very well received today, on to Lemon Polenta next!! Thank you again to all of you who made the handbag course possible, it was a wonderful day!
sue skinner says
Wow, love all these gorgeous handbags, looks like it was great fun.. Next course i think..x
blessing idowu says
i love those handbags,pls tell me when nest your coures will take pleasa.thanks.
blessing idowu says
i love your handbags
Lindys Team says
Hello blessing idowu,
Full details of all our workshops can be found on this link.
Course book up quickly – the handbag course in particular.
Courses for 2011 are to be announced on our website next week – so keep your eyes peeled.
If you follow us on Facebook then you will see a notice as soon as the dates are online.
Louise jarvis says
My husband gave me a voucher to come on the next handbag course. It will be my third time with you. I am very excited! Merry Christmas
blessing idowu says
will u be having any handbag work shop in dublin.
Lindys Team says
Hi Blessing Idowu,
We are not sure yet if there will be a handbag workshop in Dublin. It will be posted on here as soon as we know more!