Yesterday I spend a very enjoyable afternoon at the annual Squires Kitchen exhibition in Farnham. I always enjoy this exhibition and have been, in some guise or other, at the show every year since 1997. The show has grown and changed over the years but it always showcases some amazing cakes and this year was no exception. The wedding cake showroom, for me is a room I simply have to see, it is packed full of wedding cakes created by some very talented people.
The cakes on display ranged from the truly amazing and different to the extremely commercial, or as I overheard on lady comment ‘cover and stick cakes’. There were sugar flowers in abundance but also other more diverse themes as well. Not all the cakes were quite my cup of tea but they have all been created by people who make a living from their passion for beautifully decorated cakes.
There were a lot of cakes to take in all at once, but here are some that caught my eye:
This cake by Louise Wilson of Lou’s Amazing Cakes really appeals to me, poppies are a favourite flower of mine and I love how she has arranged the them around the outside of the stacked cakes, so they stand tall and proud.
A more traditional look for a wedding cake is this fresh lime green and black wedding cake by Jess Hill Cakes so simple yet very stylish.
I do not particularly enjoy modelling so I always admire others who do! This detailed and interesting cake by Jane Clement-May of The Too Good To Eat Cake Co is certainly different and would not suit every bride but I love it, especially the pet dragon!
Another cake from Louise Wilson of Lou’s Amazing Cakes – simply LOVE this idea. When writing cake decorating books I’m not allowed to use words on my cakes so have never really experimented with letters and words on cakes in a big way – this cake is really making me wish I could!!!
Of course I am drawn to the cakes that appeal to me, so my apologies if you spotted ones that you preferred – cakes are very personal and we all have different tastes. If you weren’t able to attend the exhibition this year, I hope you find the cakes I have selected inspirational – perhaps you have a favourite? Do let me know.
Somerset wedding gal says
I can only hope that my cake is as gorgeous as some of those on display here! There are some genuinely really creative ideas here.
Beth says
The poppy cake is pretty phenomenal. Thanks for the share.