As the new ‘school’ term gets underway in the UK so does a new collection of Lindy Smith sugarcraft workshops. In these times of austerity and the ‘make do and mend’ reminders everywhere it certainly does seem that people are tapping into their creative side and choosing to go ‘hand made’ over ‘bought’. I’ve written much about the joy of making, giving and receiving a home made cake… but when that cake is adorned in sugar art it becomes something quite different… beautiful, thoughtful and a glorious hint as to what may lie beneath.
Lindy’s introduction to celebration cakes workshop needs no introduction, nor does the fact that this is probably my favourite class… well it’s certainly in my top three! To meet students with very little knowledge and experience of sugarcraft and knowing that they will be taught but one of, if not the, best contemporary sugarcrafter in the industry, you know that this is going to be a good day.
Eight new students joined us today as well as our colleague Fiona who came on board to learn more about Lindy’s sugarcraft to help her with her work at Lindy HQ… rumour has it that she is spending quite a lot of her earnings on sugarcraft products… it’s a slippery slope Fiona!!

There was joy and excitement to meet Vicki who is expecting twins in November! Two bundles of boy joy are heading her way and she was using this creative time to learn sugarcraft so that she can make the baby shower cake for her party. How wonderful is that! and what a lovely story to be able to tell those little boys one day.
In the safe hands of Lindy and assistant Jane this class got of to a great start and covering the boards was achieved without too much drama… that was saved for later! The big reveal of the cakes uncovered a couple of ‘uncooked in the middle’ disappointments, but fear not because it’s no bad thing to experience problems for this is how we learn. The whole class learns from mistakes along the way. Trust us we’ve seen it all and in the almost 4 years that I have been working for Lindy I have never seen anything she can’t handle or make good!

Donna who unwrapped her cake to reveal a ‘disaster darling’ was so disappointed but help was at hand… she was rescued by her classmate Christine. Jane used some of Christines left over Madeira cake to fill the un-cooked gaps in Donna’s Madeira cake. The cake must go on… team work at it’s best!!
Christine had a lovely reason for attending Lindy’s class… she is going to create a pink & white celebration cake for her Mother’s 80th birthday. With 200 people celebrating with her, I think this cake is going to be a star on the day as well as her Mum. How magical to be able to say ‘I made it for you Mum’
I really enjoyed talking to Brenda about her model making, she loves to makes sugarcraft animals to place on cakes. Today was all about making the ‘stage’ for her animals and perfecting the finish on a celebration cake.

Rolling the sugarpaste was the biggest challenge today, it’s not easy getting that round shape to cover the round cake but as Lindy says it’s all about practice, practice, practice and I think that our ladies have will certainly find it easier next time.
The day whizzes by, even with a gorgeous lunch laid before them created by Katie, our students never really want to leave their workstations! I say to our beginners that this really is just the beginning and you will be truly surprised by how many tips you have picked up on this workshop. Lindy’s techniques and step-by-step approach is not only valuable but easy to interpret. And because every class is taught by Lindy herself you really are learning from an expert.

Tap into your creative side and join us on one of Lindy’s super sugarcraft workshops. Everyone has the ability to create lovely cakes you just need a few expert pointers along the way!
Click here to see our exciting autumn programme
Kiwi Rachel
natash says
hi do you do classes in or around llanelli plz x
Lindys Team says
Hi there
All Lindy’s classes in the UK are held in Aston Clinton, near Aylesbury. We do have students from all over the UK attending and we hope to see you on a class soon!