Did you receive a Valentines gift this year? I hope you did, it’s very always exciting receiving gifts especially when they are from someone special. On February 14th this year I did receive a gift – a surprise parcel from Portugal, the latest Faça Fácil Cake design Decoração de bolos cake magazine!

The sugar pirate on the cover may look a little sinister but inside I found some interesting ideas for carnaval cakes – ‘olha ai o Carnaval mais famosos do mundo….’ a Rio de Janeiro carnival inspired cake and ‘O mistério por detrás da máscara’ a venetian inspired ‘mystery behind the mask’ cake. Together with other interesting decorating ideas, cake recipes, interviews, show reports etc.
…..AND then on page 12-13 I discovered my carved handbag cake, created for students last October, in class, when I was the visiting International Guest Tutor for the Portuguese National Assocoation of Cake design.

I always say to my students that class cakes should just be for practising, they should NOT ideally be promised or sold to someone after the class, as this creates TOO much pressure for the student and means that they do not enjoy and benefit from the class as much as their fellow classmates. The same is true for me, the cakes I create in class are never as well finished as those I create in my studio – my focus, and I think rightly so, is always on my students, educating and supporting them rather than my own cake. So I was surprised to see this particular version of my handbag cake in a magazine, however it does make a perfect gift for female friends so I hope it inspires….
For more information about taking or organising a class with me visit our ‘Learn with Lindy‘ page.